We take music to those who need it!
We offer home visits.
We run group workshops and visit individuals.
Care homes, mental health supported living spaces, community wellbeing groups and more.
Book a Band | Make a Difference
You can now book our professional musicians to play for your event from parties and weddings to corporate events. In booking us you'll also be funding our free visits and making a huge difference in the community! You can book solo artists to 5 piece bands, see our fab trio below:
Using the power of music to make a difference in the community
Music brings us together. It is interactive, healing and a communicator where words often fail. At a time when many residents find themselves completely isolated and others lost or unemployed, music offers a simple yet powerful way to lift their spirits. It was the summer of Lockdown 2020 when the idea for 'Give a Song' arose and Founder Chloe Edwards-Wood teamed up with Goldsmiths Community Centre to make it happen. Not long after, two Lewisham musicians rocked up outside the house of an isolated resident and played 'Dancing in the street' from a safe distance. It was clear from that moment, this simple concept could have a huge impact on the wellbeing of our community
We now have a wonderful team of local musicians who bring joy into the lives of local residents who are isolated , families and children who need to shield, care home and supported housing residents , and individuals suffering from long term debilitating or chronic illness which limits their opportunities for social interaction. To date we've delivered 480 music visits and reached over 8000 residents!
Due to the collapse in the arts industries, many musicians have been out of work and struggling with morale. This project has two sides to it as it gives many of those musicians a purpose and value, but we're also working to pay them through funding and your kind donations. That said, we do have a lot of volunteer musicians and other creatives who are financially stable and choose to donate their time to our cause. Without them this wouldn't be possible.
Even without the pandemic, music enhances lives.
Let's keep the music playing!
We are now a registered CIC. Company number: 14294921
My nan won't stop giggling.
It really has made
her whole year.
She is SO happy, You are doing such a beautiful thing!
We loved it.
Couldn't stop the tears.
Thank you SO much - you guys rock and this project is just amazing!
Gorgeous singing, playing & a totally delightful experience.
She loved every minute of it and it literally reduced me to tears! Love them.
Sometimes it’s easy to think that people are selfish, but this has reminded me how kind people can be.
We offer FREE music visits to isolated and vulnerable individuals or organisations who work with people in difficult circumstances.
You can book our musicians for any occasion. We offer live music performances of all different genres! Community rates are available.
We offer community music workshops to bring people together through the joy of shared music.
NCIL 'Music Together'
We have completed our NCIL 'music together'project. We delivered 55 music workshops across Lewisham and reached over 2000 people. Big Thanks to everyone who was involved!
We are now registered as a Community Interest Company! Give a Song CIC: 14294921
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